Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The circus is coming to town

So we are going to visit the inlaws overseas. I was happy with it before. I had visions of a nice relaxing break, discovering the other half's home country. Our iterinery was to spend a couple of days in the capital MLA , before flying out to see the in-laws who live in ZBNG. But now....... Not only is the MIL constantly on our case to extend our trip there, (we are only there for a total of 2 weeks which is more than enough for me) but she has also generously decided to FLY TO MLA TO GREET US, SPEND HER TIME WITH US IN MLA and then escort us back to ZBNG. (I think she just wants to make sure we don't sneak off to the pretty island with beautiful beaches without her). I am sucking bitter lemons about it. Why couldn't she just be patient and wait for us to get to ZBNG??? WHY WHY WHY? Now I have to spend my WHOLE HOLIDAY with her. I want to cry.

The other half's birthday falls around the time we are in ZBNG. The MIL's informed us to "leave it to me" to organise a party for the birthday boy. I have heard that they want to fly out some relatives from MLA to ZBNG so they can attend the party. I have visions of arriving in ZBNG and exiting the arrivals lounge to find the whole village has turned up holding up cards, with our names on it. No wait, the place might be so small that there is no need to locate the foreigners. I think we might be the only foreigners getting off the flight. I will make sure I have my camera handy to record the birds eye view on being pounced on at the airport. I must practise my deer in headlights look NOW. Twisted.